We have bread!

I am so excited! I made bread! It’s the simplest no knead white bread and the recipe’s here. But everyone needs to start somewhere. It’s a beginning to achieving one of my goals for the new year. To master yeast breads. Little steps. It came out crusty on the outside and dense and surprisingly flavorful on the inside.


  1. I'm a huge fan of King Arthur's products and have even visited the store in VT. I can't wait to make this bread. Yours looks amazing!!

  2. This looks amazing! I am always so intimidated by bread! Tell me it was that easy..please :)

  3. Kitchen Window, I can't wait to see your pictures when you make it. Your food pictures are always so beautiful.

    Tilly's Nest, It was that easy ;) I was amazed. Tommorrow I am going to try baking some three day old dough and see what the taste difference is.

    As always thanks for visiting.

  4. Yum! Looks wonderful! I must give it a try...

  5. Congratulations! Fresh, crusty bread is always delicious.


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