Thrift Store Score

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   There is a second hand store near work. I stop in whenever I pass by. You never know what your going to find.
    Well I was walking by today and this woman walked out with a rope handle split oak basket. Ooh I wish I got that. I have a small (ok enormous) useful basket obsession.I mean collection. I take them to market and keep stuff in them. They hold the laundry and the recyclables. Anywho it peaked my interest and I went in.

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 Then I watched another one walk out. This one wasn’t as nice so I was ok with it. So, I looked around and it was obvious someone had just made a major drop off. There was stuff everywhere. This is what I found, a little wooden wheelbarrow. It didn’t have the sides on and it had a crate of terracotta pots on it and some plastic window boxes.
It was hiding waiting for me.
  It is so cute and useful. Useful is important if something wants a spot in our little home. We don’t have room for frippery. It’s sturdy and solid and will be great for toting wood from the woodpile.  I especially like the little fruit detail on the sides.


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